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Hi Kimberly Dance Team Families,


Welcome to the 2021-22 season!  It was very nice to meet many of you at our parent meeting last week.  We are extremely excited to get this season started.


Team Communications

As mentioned in the meeting we will use the following methods for communications during the season:

  • Athletes- Band App will be for athletes and coaches to communicate during the season and will include calendars, practice agendas, videos to help with material learning, etc.

  • Parents- Monthly emails (like this one) will be sent out by our coaching staff to include schedules, contact info, general updates and reminders.  When we get closer to competition season we may have more frequent emails to share lineups, timing, etc.  Some emails will be sent to the whole program and some emails will sent separately to JV / Varsity teams.

  • All- Our team website ( has a parent/athlete section that will hold all prior emails and important files.  The password is kimberlydance21 – please do not share this with anyone outside of the team. 


Schedule / Contact Information

Attached is the contact information sheet and schedules for the Varsity and JV team. The contact information was provided by the athletes.  Please take a moment to look over and reply back to Coach Van Noie with any changes needed.  


Dance Team Handbook

Attached is the 2021-22 KPDT Handbook which we went through during the parent meeting which outlines team information and expectations.  We ask that both parent and athlete please read through and sign and return the last page of the handbook to the coaching staff on the first practice- Tuesday, June 15. 


Athletic Office Paperwork

There are a couple forms which must be turned into the Athletic Office (not coaching staff) by Friday, July 9.  One is the Athletic Information Yellow Card (link: Yellow Card) and the other is each athlete must have a physical on file with the Athletic Office.  Physicals are good for two years.  Appointments for these can fill up pretty fast so if a physical is needed please get that done as soon as possible. Here is the link for the physical form that can be found on the KHS Athletics website:  Physical Form.  The code of conduct can also be found on the Athletics website here:  KHS Code of Conduct (the signature regarding reading this code is located on the Yellow Card).


Parent Contact

We introduced Melissa Brunsell, Emma’s mom, at the parent meeting.  She will be working to assemble parent volunteers for various items throughout the season and is planning some fun opportunities to get our dance parents together soon.  Melissa will be a great resource to go to for team related stuff during the season.   She will be following up to this email to further introduce herself and get things kicked off!


Recap of Action Items/Reminders:

  • ASAP- Provide any changes to contact sheet to Coach Van Noie

  • Tuesday, June 15- Dance Team Handbook last page signed by parent/athlete and returned to coaching staff on first day of practice

  • Tuesday, June 29- Second team fees due to coaching staff (Varsity $300, JV $200)

  • Friday, July 9- Athletic Office paperwork due (must be turned into Athletic Office, not coaches) includes Yellow Card and Physical (if needed)


Looking forward to a great season and getting know everyone!!


Thank you,

Kelly Van Noie

Head Dance Coach

Kimberly High School

920.205.2920 mobile

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