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Hi Dance Team Families,

Hope this email finds everyone well and enjoying these summer months!  Last week we hosted the UDA Staff at Woodland for our UDA Summer Home Camp.  The team had a lot of fun while making sure to be safe with masks and proper social distancing.  They learned a number of challenging and amazing routines and really bonded as a team!


We are still waiting to find out exactly what our football season will entail.  There are ongoing meetings and discussions taking place on this topic and we will provide further information to you all as soon as we know more.  Regardless of what this may look like for us, we would like to move forward with our annual Kimberly Dance Team virtual apparel store from Eastbay.  We open the store to our dance families and purchasing items is completely optional.   If you would be interested in helping facilitate setting up the store this season (picking items from Eastbay catalog and sending communicating on order instructions to our dance families- everything is done online) please respond to Coach Van Noie (please do not reply all) at this email address.  We would be very grateful to have someone volunteer to take this on from Dave Congemi who has done a great job streamlining this process over the last few years! 


In regards to the varsity winter competition schedule, there are currently weekly meetings ongoing with the Athletic Office, our state association, WACPC, and our nationals brand, NDA, in order to understand what this will look like for us this year.  With so many unknowns at this point nothing has been set yet and we will continue to attend meetings and plan for any possible scenario.  Typically by this time we have our entire schedule published and out to you all but we do not have the answers at this point to go beyond our Fall Performance Team season in November.  We appreciate everyone’s patience as we monitor the situation and do the best we can to move forward as safe as possible with the information we have at hand.  Our monthly communication emails are intended to pass along information to our families as it becomes available and we will continue to keep you informed as we move forward.  


Important Information:

  • Fall Performance Team Schedule- An updated schedule has been attached (the updates to the schedule include adding in locations through November).  This has also been updated on our parent/athlete page of the website.

  • JV and Varsity Contact Lists- There has been a couple updates to the contact list and this email distribution.  Please use the attached going forward (also posted on the website).


Reminders / Updates:

  • Per the handbook, the second team fee of $300 is due tonight at practice.  Checks can be made out to Kimberly Dance Team. 

  • Sarah Zeisser will be coming in next Saturday, August 22, for our second technique workshop.  The team is really excited to have her back!


We are really proud of how the girls have embraced our safety protocols we have in place for practices and how hard they are working.  The improvement we have seen over the past couple months is incredible!



Coach Kelly Van Noie and Coach Katie Arnold

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